Sunday 26 April 2009

Our future

Erik's future:

First I want to pass batxillerat. Then if i pass batxillerat i will make the selectivitat, and after that , I like to enter in criminology in the UAB, but if i don't enter in criminology, I will like to enter in psicology.

If this two options are not possible, I don't know what I am going to do, but I supose that i will enter in some career.

I like to enter because I like to know how think the human mind. Well, in reality I will earn a great quantity of money if i work of that.

Eli's future:

Like Erik, first I want to pass batxillerat.
If i pass batxillerat I will make the selectivitat. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do. I have a few options, for example be police, lawyer, psicologist or biologist.

Well I like to be a police or lawyer because I respect the laws and I like the justice.
If I study psicology it would be for enter to a police department.

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