Sunday 26 April 2009

Our future

Erik's future:

First I want to pass batxillerat. Then if i pass batxillerat i will make the selectivitat, and after that , I like to enter in criminology in the UAB, but if i don't enter in criminology, I will like to enter in psicology.

If this two options are not possible, I don't know what I am going to do, but I supose that i will enter in some career.

I like to enter because I like to know how think the human mind. Well, in reality I will earn a great quantity of money if i work of that.

Eli's future:

Like Erik, first I want to pass batxillerat.
If i pass batxillerat I will make the selectivitat. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do. I have a few options, for example be police, lawyer, psicologist or biologist.

Well I like to be a police or lawyer because I respect the laws and I like the justice.
If I study psicology it would be for enter to a police department.


Our experience in batxillerat it's more long than other persons because we are
repeating course.
For that, we expected all the things and difficults that another persons can't see at the begining of the year.

Batxillerat it's hard because you have to study more and every day,if you want to pass all the exams that we have, and in the second year this is most dificult.

The things that we like more of batxillerat are the excursions,( the tecnologics don't have much of this.) and for example, Maths are the thing that we hate more, well maths and the modals subjects and the common too. We hate all the subjects that we make, except, of course , english.

But in general our experiences in batxillerat are good.